Club Policies


Attendance at practices is an integral part of the commitment of being a member of a team. A swimmer’s absence affects their individual performance as well as their team’s ability to reach their goals. Any extended absences have a large impact on the entire team so it is essential that coaches are notified as soon as possible in the event of an absence.

Scope of this Policy:

  1. Swimmers are expected to attend all practices and are expected to be committed for the entire year as a team member.
  2. Swimmers arrive for practices 10 minutes before the beginning of practice time, in proper attire and with necessary equipment, so that practices can start at the designated time.
  3. Attendance and participation at all practices is mandatory. Any extended absence has a big impact on the whole team as routine practices are greatly affected. This is critical in the two-weeks before a competition.
  4. Swimmers with manageable, non-contagious medical ailments are expected to attend practice and participate as much as possible.
  5. The swimmer and /or his or her parent or guardian must communicate with the coach if the swimmer will be absent PRIOR to practice or in a timely manner or if the swimmer has a minor ailment.
  6. Exceptional circumstance related to attendance or tardiness must be discussed and authorized by coaches.
  7. Continued and/or unexcused absences will be managed on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Planned absences should be discussed with coaches and avoided where possible within 2 weeks of competitions.
  9. A swimmer is expected to attend ALL competitions. If a swimmer must miss a competition for ANY reason, the parent/guardian must communicate with the coach immediately. Absences from any competition not approved by the coach may impact participation at future competitions.

Expectations and Policies 2022-2023

Copyright © CBS Silhouettes
